Some good news in the midst of this global pandemic: My paper, "Rational Agents in an Irrational World: The Impact of Fraud Shocks on Retirement Portfolio Success Rates" has been accepted to the Academy of Financial Services 2020 annual meeting! This year, the conference will be held virtually in association with the Financial Planning Association.
My work accomplishes two things. First, it updates the Monte Carlo analysis output tables of the Trinity Studies (so named because the researchers who began this line of research were all employed by Trinity University) through 2019 stock market data. Second, it demonstrates the devastating impact a single fraud shock can have on your retirement plan.
I am grateful to Dr. Wade Pfau for introducing me to Monte Carlo analysis and Octave/Matlab during coursework at The American College as well as Dr. Inga Timmerman and the rest of the AFS committee who have done so much this year and in the past to help organize the annual conference. This year, the AFS portion of the conference will be held September 29-30. The FPA's annual conference will run September 30 - October 2.
I hope to "see" many of you there!
